Why is social media an Essential Tool of Our life?

Why is social media an Essential Tool of Our life?

Why is social media an Essential Tool of Our life?

Social media has become an integral part of our lives, so much that we spend maximum our time online scrolling through our social media feeds. While some may argue that it is only time-consuming activity, some believe that there are a lot of positive aspects to using social media, it is all about the way an individual utilises social media as there are positive aspects to it, let us understand more about it.

Social Media an Essential Tool of Our Life

  • Using social media in moderation leads to self-expression online and connecting with people who help you through your journey of mental health issues. With positive interaction, it leads to positive thinking.
  • Staying connected online with friends and family at a distance ensures that the quality of your life improves dramatically providing you emotional support.
  • Elderly users find it convenient to keep in touch with their friends online that helps them feel bonded with old friends instead of spending isolated life.
  • A lot of educational content is available for free online that enhances knowledge.
  • Professional networking online has its own perks, helps expand your professional network, find opportunities expand your financial arena. Connecting online with like-minded and professional individuals and groups helps in finding better job opportunities easily.
  • Collaborations online, influencer-based programs help increase your income and pursue your dream without engaging in tedious 9-5 job routine.
  • Gaining online social support through groups, therapy sessions, empathetic connections helps in improving and support through mental illness journey. Finding a sympathetic listener online is possible without spending a dime.
  • Fundraisers, charities, campaigns for civil rights, community initiatives through social activism provides online platforms for rapidly gaining reach and in creating mass impact that becomes social change for better.
  • Awareness spread through social media, is a tool that helps uplift the psychological level of people making them realise, aware about a certain social aspect and even change their mind-set.


In conclusion, when anything is done beyond a point in excessive compulsion, it becomes a bane rather than a boon. Social media when used in the right manner creates positive changes in the life of the individual and people they connect to. Willingly engaging with positive groups and people with discernment leads to positive participation online.



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