Collection: Anti-Ageing

Reduce Your Eye-Wrinkles The Natural Way

The most essential part of face beauty are the eyes. However, often due to various factors wrinkles start appearing around and under the eyes, it is due to numerous factors that affect the delicate skin. People opt for cosmetic procedures to fix these that are invasive and often leave long term ill-effects on the skin. However, this is not the only way, non-invasive, natural means of reducing your eye-wrinkles is also available, but first you need to know the causes behind eye-wrinkles to understand what you are actually going through.


The delicate skin around the eyes is influenced with multitude of factors that result in wrinkling with distinct types. If one is to categorise these then broadly speaking there are three types that every individual face during different phases of their ageing process, lifestyle choices, health issues and skin elasticity. It is essential to note that if you are not using any anti-ageing product the moment you begin noticing these signs then it would be difficult to treat one at an advance level. Therefore, you should indulge in using eye cream for wrinkles. 

Dynamic Wrinkles 

This is the first of the category that emerge due to facial expressions and movements. Each time you smile, squint, frown or make an expression the facial muscles contract that leads to formation of temporary creases.

Countless repetitive expressions and frowning causes permanent etch that are prominent and result in wrinkles. These wrinkles are regardless of ageing, as it is dependent on the facial expressions and its impact on the skin. For instance, if an individual is always under stress this may cause third eye frown lines due to constant frowning. Natural ageing too impacts the wrinkles but it shows with time.

Static Wrinkles

The next category of wrinkles that are visible under the eye, these are visible even when the person is keeping a straight face or not showing any expressions. The skin damage over time due to environmental factors, UV rays damage, nutritional deficiencies, pollution and loss of skin elasticity are the contributing factors in forming static or visible wrinkles. When you notice these and get called out for having wrinkles on your face then it is essential that you go shopping for one of the best wrinkle cream and look for eye cream for wrinkles that will also be the best dark spot remover for face.  

Wrinkle Folds

Third and the most prominent category are wrinkle folds that appear as the visible sign of ageing under the eye. Caused due to the loss of collagen, elasticity, thickness of muscles and skin sagging. The overall structural defect causes wrinkle folds, the skin is unable to appear youthful. The under-eye area has delicate skin that us susceptible to ageing and sagging. Therefore, you need to opt for a natural product that would be best skin care for aging skin.

Reduction and Prevention of Eye-wrinkles

If you are thinking that the only way to reduce eye-wrinkles is to opt for invasive procedure like Botox and face-lift, then think again, you can use a natural eye cream for wrinkles, like using an Ayurveda based powerful herbal formulation Shahnaz Husain Vedapharma Plant Stem Cell Under Eye Beauty Gel. Apply it daily at night and leave it on, antioxidants and amino acids stimulate the process of regeneration of healthy skin cells inducing anti-ageing effect. Using it on regular basis will indeed be your best skin care for aging skin and one of the best age spot remover as well that will rejuvenate your skin making it appear youthful.

Tips on Preventing Eye-Wrinkles

  • Always remember to wear sunscreen with SPF 40
  • Avoid going out in the sun and getting a tan
  • Remember to moisturise and hydrate your skin
  • Avoid smoking if relevant
  • Eat a balanced diet that helps in generating collagen
  • Opt for application of best night cream for aging skin